
(Lordship Circles)

Who is Jesus and why is this question important for our lives?


Read the following stories about Jesus and note down anything that stands out about who Jesus is.

Matt 16:13-20 (Jesus asks “Who do you say I am?”)

John 10:30-33 (The Jews try to kill Jesus for saying who he is.)

John 20:24-29 (Thomas doubts then believes.)


Who did Jesus say he was? Who did other people believe Jesus was?

What do you sense God speaking to you about through these verses?

Who do you believe Jesus is? Why do you believe this?



Bible teacher and preacher John Ortberg, compared our submission to Jesus with driving a car:

‘A lot of people find Jesus handy to have in the car as long as he’s in the passenger seat, because something may come up where they require his services. Jesus, I have a health problem, and I need some help…. I want you in the car, but I’m not so sure I want you driving. If Jesus is driving, I’m not in charge of my life anymore. If he’s driving, I’m not in charge of my wallet anymore. If I put him in control then it’s no longer a matter of giving some money now and then when I’m feeling generous or when more of it is coming into my life. Now, it’s his wallet. It’s scary. If Jesus is driving, I’m not in charge of my ego anymore. I no longer have the right to satisfy every self-centred ambition. No, it’s his agenda. It’s his life. Now, I’m not in charge of my mouth anymore. I don’t get to gossip, flatter, cajole, deceive, rage, intimidate, manipulate, exaggerate. I get out of the driver’s seat and hand the keys over to him. I’m fully engaged. In fact, I’m more alive than I’ve ever been before, but it’s not my life anymore. It’s his life.’

John Ortberg, ‘True Freedom,’ sermon.


According to the story, where is Jesus in your car?

How do you feel about Jesus being in the driving seat and why?



The Lordship Circles illustrate what it means for Jesus to be Lord (Ruler or King) of our lives.

  • Throne = Ruling centre of life
  • S = Self
  • Cross = Christ
  • Dots = Interests


When we live without Jesus as Lord of our life, we place ourselves on the throne. We alone make decisions and take responsibility for all the different areas of our life. But we were not designed to be God of our own lives and often find the aspects of our lives where we are in charge are characterised by disorder and even chaos.

Some people may seek to have Jesus in their lives, but not as Lord. He is treated more like another interest, or a nice idea, rather than Lord and God. This leaves such a person in the same state as before, but with a disorderly or chaotic spiritual life as well as disorder and chaos in other areas of life.

When we rightly accept Jesus as Lord of our lives then he rules our life. He now takes responsibility for and directs all areas of our lives. When we truly live our lives with Jesus as Lord, allowing him to be God rather than us, and submitting to his way rather than insisting on our own, then he brings order and blessing to these different areas of our lives.

[Adapted from CRU's - The Christian Adventure]


As you look at the Lordship Circles, which one do you think best describes your current situation?


So What?

Split down into groups of 2-3 people, discuss the following questions and pray for each other:

What do you sense God speaking to you about through this study?

Have you made Jesus the King of your life?

If you have, in what ways have you experienced Jesus bringing order to your life?

Are there certain areas of your life where Jesus is Lord but other areas where you are still the one in charge?

If you have not, what do you think is stopping you from accepting him as Lord of your life?

Perhaps take some time to pray and surrender yourselves afresh to Jesus. Or as a whole community, spend some time worshipping Jesus as King.


Grow Further

Memory Verse:

 John 6:68-69                                     

‘Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”’

Other Bible passages:

Other resources:

Video: Alpha Course – Who is Jesus? 

Got other suggested resources? Tell us about them using the Feedback Form.